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교육 유틸리티 유틸리티 교육
개발자: One Kerato
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PDFCombo is a simple utility to combine PDF (and other image) documents - with special consideration for the table of contents (TOC) in the PDFs. You may choose to preserve any existing table of contents in the PDFs, or automatically add a new top-level TOC entry for every PDF.

In a long PDF document, a table of contents makes it easy to navigate within the document in any PDF-reading app.

Use PDFCombo in these ways:
• Print from any app to PDFCombo using the Print to PDF... feature in OS X
• Print articles from Safaris reading view into PDFCombo to consolidate your research into one PDF
• Combine related Microsoft Word and PowerPoint documents into a PDF with a convenient table of contents sidebar

Tip: You can use the Option CMD S shortcut to quickly create the combined PDF and have the PDF open in the default PDF reader. You can then drag the PDF into any other app such as Evernote or DevonThink for archiving or annotations.

A new app, PDFSpeech, extends the functionality in PDFCombo. PDFSpeech can create PDF Packs not only with PDFs, but also with any rich text content copied to the clipboard, and even with selected pages that were copied from PDFs open in Preview.